So, Abusing Drugs Is Something You Can Be “Good” At?

By Alicia Sparks

OK, so I know The Sun probably isn’t the most reliable source of legit news. It’s a tabloid and, well, we know how that goes.

Tupac and Elvis just gave birth to another one of those frightening alien babies that taunt me in checkout aisles.

So, when The Sun highlighted a Lily Allen interview in which the singer actually defended drug use, naturally I had to do some detective work. Lo and behold - it’s true (you can read the interview courtesy of Word Magazine) and it’s disgusting.

Among some of her more brilliant comments (”Some people are bad at taking drugs” and “I wish people wouldn’t sensationalize it,” for example), Allen states:

The only story is that drugs are bad and they will kill you. You will become a prostitute or a rapist or a dealer. But that’s not true. I know lots of people that take cocaine three nights a week and get up and go to work every day, no problem at all. But we never hear that side of the story.

You know what, Allen? I know a lot of people who are in rehab, prison, and the ground right now because of drug use. Drug and alcohol abuse can cause permanent damage to a person’s physical and mental health, not to mention the ability to, you know, live. Thank GOD we hear those sides of the stories more than the ones about your super successful recreational drug-abusing friends.

Unsurprisingly, representatives from several drug prevention organizations responded. One from Addaction told The Sun:

“These comments are misguided. There isn’t a ‘good’ or right way to take drugs and cocaine poses huge health risks to anyone using it - particularly if you drink alcohol with it. Fortunately, independent research carried out by Addaction last year showed the vast majority of young people, 86 per cent, aren’t influenced by celebrities when it comes to drugs and booze.”

As if on cue, Allen released a statement (mostly related to her “Everyone’s At It” song, which is about today’s drug culture) letting people know she doesn’t condone illegal drug use; however, it’s going to take a bit more than a conveniently crafted statement to change the way I think about her attitude.

Am I overreacting? Possibly. Is it worth the overreaction? Definitely.

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